Thursday, October 10, 2019

Guided bone generation procedure: Things you need to know!

In the past, dental bridges and dentures were the only solutions to missing or decayed teeth. These solutions offered temporary results, cause a lot of pain and complications. Fortunately, today we have dental implants. Do you know modern-day implants are the best solution for missing teeth available today? For a successful dental implant, the patient must have a health alveolar ridge where the titanium dental post will be placed. This will work as a base for the crown.

However, in most cases, patients have an inappropriate or defective dental ridge, which prevents the proper placement of a dental implant. Whether vertical or horizontal bone deficiency, it can result in major clinical complications and must be repaired before placing implants. This is why patients have to undergo a Guided Bone Regeneration procedure in Portsmouth - GBR. Now, you must be wondering what has Guided Bone Regeneration technique? Well, it is a surgical process that is performed to repair bone tissue defects or to expand a narrow dental ridge.

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What is Guided Bone Regeneration procedure?

For people who have never heard about the Guided Bone Regeneration process, it might sound like some type of witchcraft that helps regrowing bones. However, this technique is completely based on science. With Guided Bone Regeneration process, today, dentists are able to replace, restore, and reshape damaged bone structure. To undergo Guided Bone Regeneration procedure becomes a necessity for patients with lost teeth and considers to get dental implants, but have a defective ridge. 

When is the right time to undergo Guided Bone Regeneration procedure?

Guided Bone Regeneration is a surgical procedure to expand a narrow dental ridge. But not every individual is an ideal candidate to undergo the procedure. There are some situations when this treatment can lead to many complications, whereas in other situations, it is the best option to ensure a patient gets a healthy and beautiful smile. Here are the oral health needs that make an individual the right candidate for Guided Bone Regeneration, including: 

  • For the preparation of dental implant placement, when the patient has a narrow dental jawbone.
  • To preserve sockets to perform tooth replacement procedures in the future following a tooth loss. 
  • To prevent adverse changes in the face shape after tooth loss. 
  • Dentists also perform Guided Bone Generation procedure to restore detective bone that resulted from injury, damage or genetic. 

The bottom line 

Please remember, the process of Guided Bone Regeneration is different for different patients. This means, each patient will get a personalized plan to improve the jawbone density and oral health. If you’re seeking to get dental implants and have inadequate jawbone density, consult an experienced dentist offering Guided Bone Regeneration in Portsmouth.

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