Are you missing all of your teeth on the upper or lower jaw? If so, your oral functions might be affected. Right? Do you want to look for a way to improve oral health and appearance? Yes! Well, you can go for full dental arch implant restoration. It’s a life-changing dental procedure that offers many benefits.
Here we discuss the top 5 benefits of a full arch of implants!
Full arch dental implants treatment is a more cost-effective solution for missing teeth than going for just one or two implants at a time. This treatment can save you multiple trips to your dentists and overall dental costs.
They typically last for up to 10-15 years. Some can even last for a longer period. Getting the entire arch implanted at a single visit will reduce your chances of returning to your dentist to repair just one tooth at a time.
Faster healing-
With every single dental implant, you will have to go through a new healing process. But with a full dental arch implant restoration at a single visit, you can accelerate an overall healing process and save time.
More comfortable-
This dental procedure offers more comfort and stability than traditional dentures. You will notice that biting and chewing are easier now. Moreover, you may feel that you have natural teeth.
Support jawbone health-
Losing natural teeth can degrade the underlying jawbone. With an entire arch of implants in place, you can improve the health of your jawbones.
We have discussed a few benefits of full arch dental implants. However, if you also have missing teeth, the time has come to look for this dental implants treatment in New Hampshire or anywhere near your home!